Nova Scotia seeks feedback on 16 proposed wilderness areas
Province says designating sites a step in helping protect 20 per cent of N.S. land and water by 2030

Nova Scotia's Department of Environment and Climate Change is looking for public input on 16 proposed new or expanded wilderness areas and nature reserves.
It opened an online survey that will be active until Sept. 20.
"Designating these sites will be one more step in helping Nova Scotia protect 20 per cent of its land and water by 2030," the department said in a news release on Friday.
Environment and Climate Change Minister Tim Halman said in the release that if all the sites become designated, it would mean an additional 1,820 hectares of natural habitat would be protected.
In December, Halman released his government's strategy for reaching the goal of protecting 20 per cent of the province's land and water by 2030.
The strategy includes identifying areas for protection to reach 15 per cent by 2026 and 20 per cent four years after that.
According to the department, 13.6 per cent of the province's land and water is now protected.
The proposed new designations are:
- Antigonish Nature Reserve (new, 48 hectares), Antigonish County.
- Beaver River Nature Reserve (new, 97 hectares), Digby County.
- Bonnet Lake Barrens Wilderness Area (addition, 53 hectares), Guysborough County.
- Canso Coastal Barrens Wilderness Area (addition, 59 hectares), Guysborough County.
- Caribou Rivers Nature Reserve (addition, 40 hectares), Pictou County.
- Chignecto Isthmus Wilderness Area (addition, 434 hectares), Cumberland County.
- Diligent River Nature Reserve (addition, 31 hectares), Cumberland County.
- Eigg Mountain-James River Wilderness Area (addition, 345 hectares), Antigonish County.
- Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area (addition, seven hectares), Halifax Regional Municipality.
- Fourchu Coast Wilderness Area (addition, 255 hectares), Richmond and Cape Breton counties.
- Middle River Wilderness Area (addition, 22 hectares), Inverness County.
- Quinns Meadow Nature Reserve (addition, 151 hectares), Shelburne County.
- Roseway River Wilderness Area (addition, 150 hectares), Shelburne County.
- Ship Harbour Long Lake Wilderness Area (addition, 66 hectares), Halifax Regional Municipality.
- Toadfish Lakes Wilderness Area (addition, 41 hectares), Halifax Regional Municipality.
- Toy Makers Marsh Nature Reserve (new, 24 hectares), Digby County.