New Waterford legion connects with seniors through breakfast delivery program
Legion says outreach is helping ease COVID-19 isolation for many seniors

One of the oldest Royal Canadian Legion branches in Nova Scotia is reaching out to the community in a unique way.
As a revenue generator, and a way to connect with residents, the New Waterford legion is offering a Sunday breakfast program for seniors.
The twist is that members will take orders and deliver the food two Sundays each month.
One of the members, Rick Hanes, came up with the idea. Meals are $8 and delivery is free.

"Last Sunday was our first time doing that and we had 14 orders, so that's awesome," said Ruth Dupe, Branch 15 president.
The New Waterford legion, founded in 1926, has reached out to seniors' apartments, dropping off the menu.

Hanes said he's very happy to make that knock on the door on Sundays.
"Some of them don't have grandchildren or family nearby and they get a chance to talk to somebody," he said.
Hanes said he's found that some seniors are lonely and the outreach helps.
"One lady, in fact, we had a little dance in the kitchen, and her daughter got quite a kick out of that," he said.
Dupe said they hope people will be reminded about the legion and the programs they offer.
She said COVID has created many challenges for all legions, but they are determined to keep the doors open and offer as much as they can to veterans and the community.