Kidney foundation walk raises $14K

Those who took part in the walk were supporting organ donation and many of them had their own stories of how it had affected their lives.
Blair Landry received a new kidney nine months ago and encouraged everyone to sign an organ donor card.
"It's made all the difference. I was on dialysis every two days," Landry said. "There was no opportunity for family vacations or anything like that. Since then I'm leading a productive life at work and enjoying time with my family."
Landry, one of the directors of the Life: Pass It On Transplant Society, presented a $500 cheque to the Kidney Foundation of Canada.

Truro resident Marina MacKenzie walked Sunday's event with family members.
Her husband Grant walked in last year's event. He passed away last month after a lengthy battle with kidney disease.
"Grant did it last year, I don't know how he walked five K, he was very ill."
Sunday's event raised $14,000.