Parole Board decision sheds light on notorious criminal's behaviour
Jimmy Melvin Jr. threw feces, kicked and punched correctional officers

It has been well established that Jimmy Melvin Jr. is a violent and troublesome inmate. Now, a new Parole Board of Canada decision is providing details on how difficult he can be.
The parole board conducted a hearing on Nov. 19 as Melvin, from the Spryfield area of Halifax, nears the end of a 34-month sentence for a series of crimes including death threats, assaulting a peace officer causing bodily harm and mischief.
The convictions were racked up while Melvin has been on remand in various correctional institutions, awaiting trials or sentencing on other matters. The offences include kicking, punching and throwing fecal matter at correctional officers and sheriffs.
According to parole documents, Melvin also threatened to "bang out" or kill various peace officers, some of whom he mentioned by name. He also damaged a sprinkler head and was assessed a total of $2,200 in victim fine surcharges.
Melvin's initial sentence was two years, but the 10 months were tacked on when he was convicted of assaulting a peace officer.
While he has a lengthy criminal history, this is only Melvin's second federal sentence.
In his first sentence, Melvin was suspected of being the leader of a prison gang — or "Security Threat Group" leader in prison parlance.
The parole board said Melvin's gang was engaged in a feud with a rival security threat group from his home area that landed Melvin in segregation.
Outside of prison, the Melvin family had feuded with the Marriotts, a rival crime family that — like the Melvins — has ties to the Spryfield area.
Melvin was accused of killing Terry Marriott Jr., but he was acquitted.
He was subsequently convicted of attempted murder of Marriott from an earlier incident that resulted in a second jury trial. He is still awaiting sentencing for that conviction.
Melvin 'comfortable' in his use of violence
The Crown has indicated it wants Melvin sentenced as a dangerous offender, meaning he would be locked up indefinitely.
He has fired a series of lawyers, delaying his sentencing hearing for months. It is tentatively scheduled for next year.
The parole board notes that Melvin has used a variety of weapons in his violent crimes. Those include bear spray, a hatchet, a hockey stick and a pool cue.
"The Board believes that you have demonstrated a substantial degree of indifference to the victims of your violent offending and that you are comfortable in your use of violence," the board wrote.
A risk assessment done in November of last year found that Melvin is a very high risk to reoffend and a high risk to reoffend violently.
In refusing to grant him any form of release, the board determined that Melvin's current sentence will run until January 2021, by which time his sentencing on the attempted murder charge should have been completed.