Idle No More protesters descend on Sydney mall

More than 350 people took part in an Idle No More rally at a mall in Sydney, N.S., Saturday afternoon.
Both aboriginal and non-aboriginal women, men and children participated.
There were some speeches along with drumming and traditional Mi'kmaq dancing at Mayflower Mall.
Organizers said they want to educate all people about Bill C-45, which they say disregards treaty rights and also has major effects on the country's waterways and environment.
Yvette Rogers said she wanted to support the rally saying the issues raised effect everyone.
"It is everybody's concern. This omnibus bill, Bill C-45, has packed in a lot of changes that will seriously affect the sustainability of our country, that many of us that are regular people don't know about because we're not policy experts," she said.
Idle No More protests have sprung up across Canada since November.
Rally members were also out in support for Attawapiskat First Nation Chief Theresa Spence, who is on her fourth week subsisting only on tea and fish broth.
Spence has been demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper to talk about aboriginal treaties including land and water protection.
Harper announced Friday that he would meet with aboriginal leaders, including Spence, on Jan. 11.