Dexter OK's new N.B power deal
Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter says the revised deal between NB Power and Hydro-Québec is reasonable and reflects his province's concerns.
Under the new terms, NB Power maintains ownership and control of the transmission lines.
Dexter, along with Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams, feared losing access to New England markets if Hydro-Québec controlled the lines.
The new $3.2-billion agreement between the New Brunswick and Quebec governments is a dramatic shift from the $4.8-billion sale proposed last October, which had NB Power sellling its transmission and distribution systems.
Though Dexter said the change comes as a big relief, he still wants to see the small print. He plans to have further discussions with New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham.
"The premier of New Brunswick should be congratulated on listening," Dexter said. "I think it was a reasonable and reasoned position. He heard the concerns that we had."
In announcing the new terms Wednesday, Graham said the revisions were a result of listening to the public after the original deal was announced.