Coastal areas across the province taking special precautions for Hurricane Fiona
Some communities setting up safe spaces on higher ground

Some municipalities in the province are keeping a close eye on the coast as Hurricane Fiona nears.
"In this particular instance, we're doing a little bit extra to make sure that the people that don't feel safe in their home, have a place to go in advance with the worst of the storm coming," said Barry Carroll, the CAO of the Municipality of the District of Guysborough.
Guysborough has more than 100 kilometres of coastline. Carroll said the municipality expects to get hit hard by storms so it has taken steps to ensure that more than 250 people will have somewhere to go this weekend.
"We've set up two safe buildings," he said. "We're encouraging people that don't feel safe at home — they're living in low-lying areas and prone to flooding or near the coastline — we encourage them to come to the safe buildings where there will be food, warmth, sleeping accommodations."
The two buildings designated as safe locations are the Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex and the Canso/Hazel Hill fire station. Both open at 6 p.m. Friday.
Will Balser, coastal adaptation co-ordinator for the Ecology Action Centre, says shoreline infrastructure, roads, causeways, dikes, retaining walls and boardwalks are all at a significant risk from wave action and erosion.
"If you're on the southern shore of Nova Scotia, or the eastern side of Cape Breton expect particularly severe wave action and erosion because these areas will be subject to sort of the full force of the storm making landfall," Balser said.

Acadia Centre in Lower Sackville, St. Margaret's Centre in Upper Tantallon as well as Musquodoboit Harbour Community Centre in Musquodoboit Harbour are serving as evacuation centres.
Balser advises anyone who lives near the coast to take a photo before they evacuate because it my not look the same after the storm.
"Take photos, document the changes on your local shoreline as these storms become more frequent and intense, it will be critical to understand the variety of impacts."