Antigonish town and county councillors vote to consolidate
Protesters pounded on windows, chanted 'let us vote' outside the meeting Thursday night

Despite calls for a public vote, the Town of Antigonish and the Municipality of the County of Antigonish have agreed to consolidate into a single municipality.
Both councils held special meetings Thursday to vote on a motion that stated: "Municipal/Town Council requests the provincial government consolidate the Municipality of the County of Antigonish and the Town of Antigonish into one municipal unit through special legislation."
The town voted 4-3 in favour while the county voted 5-3 in favour.

Part of the argument for consolidation is to pool resources.
In her remarks before the vote, Town of Antigonish councillor Mary Farrell said the town and county are often competing for the same grant money.
Municipality of the County of Antigonish Warden Owen McCarron said nothing will change overnight.
Town of Antigonish Mayor Laurie Boucher said she and McCarron will now inform the minister of municipal affairs that both councils passed motions to go into the consolidation phase.
McCarron said the matter will go to the legislature in the spring. The plan would be to have a new municipality in place by April 1, 2025.
According to the release, the move toward consolidation began last year when the town and the county voted unanimously to "participate in an exploration of consolidation."
"I wholeheartedly believe this is the right move for our community," Boucher said in a release.
"Looking ahead five, 10, 20 years I am confident of the positive impact this will have on municipal service delivery, infrastructure investment, and enhancement of rural and urban areas of our community."
Town of Antigonish councillor Sean Cameron was concerned about the future of town and county employees after consolidation.
Boucher said it is not a downsizing exercise. The news release says employees from both town and county will have equal opportunity to be part of the new municipal structure.
Emotional night
The special meeting of Antigonish Town Council was packed, with people crowded in the hallway ahead of the vote.
Protestors who couldn't get into the meeting pounded on windows and chanted their demand to vote.
Those who got into the meeting held up signs that read: "We don't want consolidation, let us vote," and "What kind of future do we have — based on tonight — dictatorship."
Two members of the public spoke out during pro-consolidation councillors' remarks. The mayor kicked them out of the meeting for being disruptive.
Boucher gave warnings to a number of others.
After the motion passed, members of the public chanted: "We will remember."
At a joint news conference after the votes, Boucher and McCarron were asked how the communities will move forward after an emotional vote.
"I'd be disappointed if there wasn't a lot of emotion to be honest because it's nice to see passion," said McCarron.
"We will move forward and I can assure our community we will be very well served."
Boucher said it's the job of leaders to bring the communities back together.