Yukon environmentalists raise alarm about seismic exploration
Northern Cross Ltd. to use 3D seismic exploration near Eagle Plains
Yukon's environmental critics are calling on the government to slow down its oil and gas development plans.
Northern Cross Ltd. plans to use a method called 3D seismic exploration in the Eagle Plains area.
Environmentalists are warning that the method will have serious implications for wildlife in the area.

Don Roberts, who heads a group promoting a ban on fracking in the territory, says the controversial method is the ultimate objective for the Eagle plains properties.
"They're just moving ahead without even consulting Yukoners. I mean, the problem with this seismic operation is it's huge, and do Yukoners want to go down this path? That's our whole objective is to have the government consult with Yukoners throughout the territory and find out what they want to do," said Roberts.
Roberts is angry because he believes public consultation will be limited to Old Crow and Watson Lake. He said it’s dishonest for the government to say they will be consulting all Yukoners, while they limit that to just two communities.
The Yukon Conservation Society has also warned about the impact of 3D seismic exploration.
Yukon's environmental assessors are accepting public comments on the plan until June 27.