
Your North: Best reader photos for the week of Aug. 3

Boats, birds, and beautiful lakes — it's your best photos from the past seven days.

Send in your photos to our Facebook page or email

The August long weekend saw many take to the water, and Karen Martin was no exception. She sent in this photo taken during a culture camp hosted by Yellowknives Dene First Nation on Mackenzie Island, not far from Yellowknife. (Submitted by Karen Martin)

Boats, birds, and big, emerald lakes — warm weather this August long weekend brought a lot of beauty to northerners everywhere.

Here are your best photos from the past seven days:

David Mesher took this lucky photo of a seal motoring past his boat while he was anchored near Aupaluk, Nunavik (northern Quebec). (Submitted by David Mesher)
They call it Emerald Lake for a reason! Steve Wilson took this photo on a perfectly still day. (Submitted by Steve Wilson)
Rough-legged hawk chicks crowd the rocks near Sanikiluaq, Nunavut. (Submitted by Aalasi Takkatak)
These long summer sunsets never get old. This is what 1:30 a.m. looks like in Sachs Harbour, N.W.T. (Submitted by Trevor Lucas)
A still surface on Jackfish Bay in Yukon. (Submitted by Sandy Duncan)
What a way to wrap up a week... Nina Cardinal took this photo of a breathtaking sunset near Tsiigehtchic, N.W.T. after three days of rain. (Submitted by Nina Cardinal)