
Upgrades to historical Wildcat Cafe complete 1 year late

Yellowknife's Wildcat Cafe opens its doors again Sunday, a year later than expected. City officials say upgrades to building cost 10 to 15 per cent more than originally budgeted.

New foundation makes renovation costs go over budget

Wildcat Cafe to reopen Sunday

12 years ago
Duration 1:37
CBC's Hilary Bird reports from Yellowknife

It may be a year later than expected — and a bit pricier too — but Yellowknife's historical Wildcat Cafe opens its doors again Sunday.

In 2010, city council approved a $496,000 renovation budget for the rotting 70-year-old building. But Deputy Mayor Cory Vanthuyne says the upgrades actually cost 10 to 15 per cent more than expected.

"We did run into concerns with regards to the foundation and having to redesign and reconfigure the foundation," said Vanthuyne.

Vanthuyne said the exact cost of renovations has yet to be determined.

The project is a year overdue.

Renovations include a new foundation, new appliances, new bathrooms, a new kitchen and a new patio.

Vanthuyne said they were sure to keep a lot of the original 1930s pieces too. "The walls are very much the same walls that were here when we took it over," he said.

The city is offering a tour of the building on Sunday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The Wildcat Cafe will be back in business on June 22.