Popular glass pirate perishes in Whitehorse
Skallywag, the glass skeleton mascot at Lumel Studios, is no more

A familiar figure at the Lumel Studios glass blowing facility in Whitehorse is no more after it came to its untimely demise this week.

Studio staff are shattered at the news that "Skallywag," a human sized glass skeleton that greeted customers at the studio's main entrance, will no longer do so.
"Unfortunately he took a dive yesterday, it was an accident, a couple of people were leaning on him and he went down," said studio owner Luann Baker-Johnson. "He shattered into ... well, we could say a million pieces, cause it sure looked like a million."
Baker-Johnson says the loss of the studio's mascot has hit her harder than she expected and now staff are both figuratively and literally trying to pick up the pieces and move on.
"It's heart-rendering, but we say don't grieve broken glass," she said.

Staff are already brainstorming ways to replace Skallywag, but say they aren't in a hurry. First, they will take some time to heal and remember their beloved glass pirate.
"He will rise again as something different ... that I can guarantee you," said Baker-Johnson.
One silver lining is that "Skallywag's" glass red heart managed to survive the fall and will be displayed in the studio as a fitting tribute to the fallen glass friend.