N.W.T. homelessness minister seeks solutions for Yellowknife's downtown core
Caroline Cochrane looking for action plan from 2-day roundtable
N.W.T.'s Minister for Addressing Homelessness says a roundtable meeting is planned for later this month to discuss issues raised by businesses in Yellowknife's downtown.
Last week, business owners raised concerns about public drunkenness and violence affecting their ability to attract customers.
"The businesses are right. There is a concern," Caroline Cochrane says.

She said the two-day discussion starting April 26 will include territorial and municipal government officials, representatives from NGOs, community shelters, and the chamber of commerce.
Cochrane said they will discuss what the issues are and how best to protect the community. Additionally, the minister said they hope to come up with ideas on how to help the people battling addictions and mental health issues.
"We're looking for an action plan," she said.
"We're looking for people that have things to put forward and say, 'this is what I can contribute towards alleviating the issue and supporting marginalized populations the best we can.'"
Cochrane said the territorial government does not have additional funding for new programs so they will have to come up with creative solutions.
"We have supports in the community. So we're looking to utilize better the services and supports that we have presently and seeing if we can change the way we do programs so that they better meet the needs of people."
Cochrane said the goal is to develop a comprehensive plan that will address not only housing needs but more importantly offer mental health supports that will help them in the long term.
She said she hopes to see a difference within a year.
"We can't address all of the issues that are out there but hopefully we can address some of the bigger issues like the population that are in the downtown core."