Inuvik Native Band votes on new election code
New code will decrease number of councillors, shorten election period

Members of the Inuvik Native Band will vote Wednesday on whether to accept a new custom election code.
The band's chief, Robert Charlie, says the current version is from 2003 and they've been working to implement a new code that has been developed with input from the community.
"I encourage all our members that are eligible to vote, to come down to Ingamo Hall tomorrow and cast their vote for the new election code," he said.
Voting will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., at Ingamo Hall Friendship Centre, but other options have been provided for those who can't make it to the polls.
Members can also vote by phone by calling the toll free number 1-866-272-2333, and they have been able to cast their ballot online at since Oct. 25.
Today is the last opportunity to cast a ballot.
Graeme Drew, ratification officer for the Inuvik Native Band, said the changes came about because "there was a need to update some of the language and also review some of the issues."
Some of the changes in the new election code include:
- Decreasing the number of council seats from eight to six.
- Shortening the election period.
- Revising the language used surrounding rules and regulations (opening the code up to potential appeals).
Drew said there has been a considerable amount of consultation that took place with the members since the fall of 2017, which included a member survey and community gathering earlier this year.
The new election code will be put to use for the first time in 2022, when Chief Charlie's term is complete.