Terrence Duff

ᑌᕆᓐᔅ Terrence Duff is Eeyou (Cree), from Chisasibi, Quebec along the northern shores of James Bay. He is back with CBC North, Cree Unit in Montreal working for radio, television and web. For him, working and reporting in his mother-tongue Îyiyû Ayimûn (East Cree) is a blessing and a privilege.

Latest from Terrence Duff

Child and family health-care centre expands to better serve Cree and Inuit in northern Quebec

Minnie's Hope is now in larger building. With support from major donors, the expansion allows for specialized services ensuring children receive care within their community rather than having to travel south.

Four First Nations acquire Hilton Quebec hotel

The James Bay Cree have partnered with the Naskapi, Huron-Wendat, and Mi'gmaq of Gespe'gewa'gi to become majority stakeholders of the Hilton Hotel in Quebec City.

'I think as women, we have compassion': Jeannie Pelletier elected as new Cree health board chair

For over 28 years, Jeannie Pelletier has worked as a nurse, head nurse, co-ordinator, and local director. She is taking her role to new heights as chairperson of the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay.

Cree family worries about 97-year-old elder, needing long-term care far from home and culture

The Cree health board, with support from Quebec, is building three elders' facilities in Chisasibi, Mistissini and Waskaganish that will act as hubs for surrounding Cree communities. 

Local research institute a benefit to Cree community in northern Que., say youth who work there

The Chisasibi Eeyou Resource and Research Institute [CERRI] in northern Que. was created in 2016 after local band members were concerned about the loss of waterfowl feeding grounds and the impact of hydroelectric dams.