Safety instructor preaches reducing speed around potholes
'The biggest thing is to be in control,' says St. John's driving safety instructor
Drivers all across Newfoundland and Labrador have about as much control over potholes as they do the weather.
The holes in the roads and highways are sometimes unavoidable with the consequences ranging from vehicle damage to loss of life — which was the case for an 18-year-old girl who died in a crash on the Buchans Highway last year.
A St. John's traffic safety instructor said potholes are something drivers need to be more aware of.

"Potholes have to be taken into the big picture when you are going to drive," said Rudy Singleton, of Safety Services NL.
"When I am approaching an area where I know there are potholes, and there are signs, and in some places, there aren't signs, how am I going to approach it?"
Singleton said the answer to that question needs to be thought of before getting in your car.
"If something is coming towards me how am I going to get out of this? And that calls for intensified attention to what's going on and reduce speed," Singleton said.
Singleton took CBC News on a spin around the city to show how often drivers need to be aware of road conditions.
You can watch that video above.