Road worrier: MHA says Northern Peninsula highways 'bad'
New Democrat Christopher Mitchelmore says he's been bombarded by stories from drivers
An MHA who represents a Northern Peninsula district says he's overwhelmed by the number of people complaining about the condition of the roads in the area.
Christopher Mitchelmore of the NDP represents The Straits-White Bay North. He’s spent the last week travelling on the northeastern side of the peninsula. He says it was not easy driving.

"I had travelled the northeastern side of the peninsula from Englee, Roddickton, Bide Arm and Main Brook, but I bypassed the branch to Conche driving in my mother’s small vehicle," Mitchelmore said. "She certainly wouldn’t permit me to drive over such a decrepit road."
Mitchelmore says there are so many potholes that the roads resemble a washboard. He calls it frightening.
"It's gotten so bad ... the number of people that have been e-mailing me with photos and sharing their stories of driving over the road, getting two flat tires, a busted rim and having to get a tow truck."
The Canadian Automobile Association is running a contest to find out the worst roads in Atlantic Canada.
So far, Newfoundland and Labrador holds first, second, third, and fourth place. As of Monday evening, Highway 434 near Conche was slotted in at No. 4.