School of the future: Inside the brand new Octagon Pond Elementary

When students arrive at the brand new Octagon Pond Elementary school in Paradise for the first day of classes on Friday, they'll see a state-of-the-art facility filled with lots of potential for creative learning.

The first day of classes at the Paradise school is on Friday

Octagon Pond Elementary students (from left to right) Darcy Butler, Jack Turpin and Liam Atwood say they're looking forward to the new school year. (Andrew Sampson/CBC)

When students arrive at the brand new Octagon Pond Elementary school in Paradise for the first day of classes on Friday, they'll see a state-of-the-art facility filled with lots of potential for creative learning.

On Thursday, principal Kirk Smith led community and school board officials through a tour of the building, where one theme stood out: connectivity.

The new school is equipped with many modern amenities, including travelling iPad carts, smart digital white boards for each classroom, and thoughtfully designed music and theatre rooms.

The school's music room includes a special connection for students who are hearing impaired. (Andrew Sampson/CBC)

There's also a shiny new basketball court and a stage featuring a comprehensive lighting and sound system that's poised to help continue the school's tradition of live theatre performances. 

Octagon Pond Elementary School has a full size basketball court, and a large stage that will be used for theatre productions and assemblies. (Andrew Sampson/CBC)

In each classroom, large windows offer students a view of the outdoors and many of the classrooms also feature a view of the school's brand new soccer turf.

Many of the classrooms at Octagon Pond Elementary have large windows facing the school's brand new soccer field. (Andrew Sampson/CBC)

And as for full-day kindergarten, the school comes well prepared.

A table set up in a kindergarten classroom at Octagon Pond Elementary. (Andrew Sampson/CBC)

Students getting ready

Jack Turpin (right) and Liam Attwood sneak a peak inside their new elementary school. (Andrew Sampson/CBC)

Outside the building, three Grade 5 students were biking and trying to catch a glimpse of where they'll spend the next year.

They said they're looking forward to their new digs, catching up with old friends and playing on the school's new basketball court and soccer field. 

"I'm pretty psyched. Our old school was pretty decent, but this school it's just really big," said Jack Turpin.  

Classes begin at Octagon Pond Elementary for students in Grade 1 to 6 on Friday, and kindergartners on Monday.