Elation and exhaustion after McIvers chase the ace win
Flat Bay family takes home $725, 913; organizers net $1M
The madness is over in McIvers.
"It's about time," said a shocked Josh Nash, the Flat Bay man who ended the chase the ace craze by pulling the ace of spades before a packed crowd Sunday evening, sending the McIvers Community Hall into a frenzy of celebration.
Nash, 34, had only three cards to pick from, as the long-running lottery wrapped up on its 50th week.
The $725,913 jackpot will be split six ways amongst Nash, his girlfriend and his family.
Although Nash was at a loss for what he would do with his share — besides show up for work the next morning at his roofing and contracting business, as usual — his partner was already dreaming.
"We're all going to do something fun I guess, maybe take a trip," said Julie MacDonald, beaming from ear to ear.

The McIvers million
But the other winners were the organizers: the McIvers Come Home Year Committee grossed a little more than $1 million over the course of the lottery.
And when the ace was drawn, perhaps nobody was celebrating more than they were, as the big takehome had begun taking its own toll on the volunteers.

"We're all pretty exhausted with it now," said committee co-chair Sterling Lawrence.
Lawrence added people started setting up for the draw at 7 a.m. Sunday and didn't pick up the last pieces of trash until well past 10 p.m.
"We've been working really hard, especially since May and June when it really went into high gear."
Lawrence estimated the group, hoping to make a big splash for the Come Home Year 2017 celebrations, originally set a goal to make between $25,000 and $30,000.
Now the committee faces a problem most people would love to have: how to spend all that extra cash.
Lawrence said plans are tentative, but include helping out the local fire department, seniors hall, and church.
"That's where it will go, back to the service groups in the community."

While Lawrence figures there will never be a need to hold another chase the ace in McIvers, the committee hopes the community will be up for one more big celebration soon.
"Once we get back together and the dust settles, we're going to plan an appreciate night for the town."
With files from Colleen Connors and the Corner Brook Morning Show