Kathy Dunderdale as N.L. premier in quotes

December 2010 Kathy Dunderdale sworn in as premier
Kathy Dunderdale as premier through the years. (CBC)

Kathy Dunderdale ended her tenure as premier Friday with Tom Marshall's swearing in as Newfoundland and Labrador's 11th leader.

Dunderdale will continue to sit as an MHA, so it might not be the last time she's heard from, politically speaking.

But we've compiled quotes from some of the highlights and controversies during her career in the top position in the province.

"Until 1925, a woman could not even vote in Newfoundland and Labrador and today for the very first time in our province's history a woman serves as premier. Imagine that." - December 2010 Kathy Dunderdale sworn in as premier

"I haven't spoken to him directly with regard to any issues," said Dunderdale. "He hasn't identified any issues with me." - March 25, 2011 Dunderdale re a rift between her and Danny Williams

"I want this to be what you asked it to be, and not some big public relations stunt.” - May 2012 Dunderdale calls off meeting with Burton Winters’ relatives

"Where we have confidence, they have fear.” - October 2012 Dunderdale slams opponents of Muskrat Falls

"Oh please. There's no story here. Do we participate in polls? You betcha. Who in Newfoundland doesn't?" - February 2013 regarding her party’s participation in online polls

“He made a commitment to us in the election of 2011; my job was to hold his feet to the fire, and that’s what I’ve done.” - May  2013 Dunderdale reveals details of negotiating Muskrat Falls loan guarantee

"Look, we’re not interested in keeping information private just for the sake of it. Anything we do around access to information is done in the best interests of the people of the province.” - June 2013 on possible changes to Bill 29

“I’ve said many, many times before I can’t govern by polls.” - September 2013 regarding declining popularity in polls

“We’re in a critical time, but are we in a crisis? Not as this moment, we’re not. We’re not in a crisis.” - January 2014 during #DarkNL

“Just as you know when it's time to step up, you also know when it is time to step back, and that time for me is now.” - Jan 22, 2014 Dunderdale resigns