AbitibiBowater cuts managers in Grand Falls-Windsor

AbitibiBowater Inc. announced Tuesday it was cutting 13 managers at its paper mill in central Newfoundland.

AbitibiBowater Inc. announced Tuesday it was cutting 13 managers at its paper mill in central Newfoundland.

AbitibiBowater spokesperson Jean Philippe Cote said the move, which cuts the number of managers from 58 to 45 in Grand Falls-Windsor, will save the company $1.3 million.

The jobs are senior management, middle management, front line supervision and support staff. The cuts are effective Tuesday, Cote said.

The cuts are part of an overall plan to "reduce man hours per manufactured ton of paper," and "an important step for the mill to be viable for the future," he said.

Newfoundland Natural Resources Minister Kathy Dunderdale received a company briefing Tuesday and told CBC News that more cuts were expected in mid-May, which may affect unionized employees.