$30-M lottery winners pick up cheque in Lab West

Newfoundland and Labrador's newest millionaires are celebrating in Labrador West after picking up their $30-million cheque on Friday.
The "United 8" — who are all employees of United Rentals — will each receive $3.75-million once the winnings are split up.
The group won the top prize in the July 4 Atlantic Lottery Lotto Max draw.
The eight winners — David Primmer, Paul Gasper, Gina Dyke, Kelly Tricco, Maggie Mooney, Calvin Campbell, Maria Terry and Jeff Belinger — showed up for work this week, despite their windfall.

"So when I called my husband, who was up at the golf course, I was crying, I was like, 'We won, we won,'" Tricco said.
"He was like, 'What did we win?' I was like ... 'Well, it's definitely not a barbeque. I wouldn't be this excited.' So it's been a crazy week ... everyone's been amazing."
Almost didn't happen
When Primmer was in St. John's last Wednesday, he went into a store to buy the ticket, but his bank card didn't work.
Primmer did, however, purchase tickets when he got back to Labrador City, including the winner.
The lucky ticket was bought at Jubber's Convenience. The seller's prize is 1% of the total winnings.