New Brunswick·Your Lens

Gentle creatures and sweet moonrises: Enjoy these photos from across N.B.

A collection of the photos you sent us this week.

Send your best snaps and video of New Brunswick to

A fluffy grey squirrel stands up on a snowy ledge.
A distinguished gentleman visiting a backyard in Sussex Corner. (Submitted by Ed McNeely)

It's February, and while it might not seem like it, spring is stirring deep in the Earth. Soon the crocuses will bloom and the sun will set after 6 p.m, but in the meantime, keep sending us your beautiful winter scenes. 

A full moon hangs low over a blue horizon, its reflection rippling down over the water.
A sweet moonrise over Parlee Beach. (Submitted by Paul Roberts)
A burning orange sky reflects its colours across a lake. Trees silhouetted black line the horizon.
Is this a painting or a sunrise from Deer Island? We can't tell. (Submitted by Doug Pollock)
A cream-coloured bird with orange and black colouring around its beak perches on the branch of a tree. Red, shriveled-up apples droop from the branches.
One of hundreds of Bohemian waxwing birds that visited Debbie Cyr's crab apple tree in Perth-Andover. (Submitted by Debbie Cyr)
Circular blocks of ice float over blue water.
Pancakes, anyone? These, from Caissie Cape, might be a little crunchy. (Submitted by Mélanie Allain)
A full moon sits halfway-up a deep blue sky. Underneath are houses nestled along a snowy river.
Yes, another photo of the moon. No, we're not sorry. She's beautiful. Thanks to Gary Stairs for sending this in from Fredericton. (Submitted by Gary Stairs)
A bright white sun glares down over a frozen pond.
Erin Walker and her husband were out for a walk when they spotted some folks ice fishing on the Mactaquac Headpond. We hope you had a good catch, whoever you are. (Submitted by Erin Walker)

Send us your photo or video by sending an email to, and put the words Your Lens in the subject line.

Please tell us your name, where the photo or video was taken and a caption that tells us what's happening in your submission. And feel free to add any other information that would help us tell the audience about your photo or video.

We'll share the photos and videos here and we might use them on our other platforms, such as our suppertime TV newscast. We'll be sure to give you credit, too. 

We'll try to respond to everyone but may not be able to, depending on the volume of submissions.