New Brunswick

Saint John MP pushes bridge deal

Conservative MP Rodney Weston maintains the federal government is not stalling approval for $35 million worth of repairs to the Saint John Harbour Bridge.

Conservative MP Rodney Weston is arguing the federal government is not stalling approval for $35 million worth of repairs to the Saint John Harbour Bridge.

The Saint John Tory MP met Friday with several groups — including the Saint John Board of Trade, Enterprise Saint John, the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association and Access Atlantica — who are lobbying for the bridge's repairs to begin immediately.

"I was putting some questions to them as well. It wasn't a one-sided conversation," Weston said.

"I felt strongly, if the organizations were going to come forward and ask me to lobby for a certain position that they have a clear understanding of what they're asking me to lobby for."

The 40-year-old bridge needs about $35 million in work on the decking and walls.

The Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority is asking the federal government to issue an approval so the bridge authority can borrow money to finance the repairs. The provincial government and city council have already given their approvals.

The groups were looking for Weston's support during the Friday meeting.

Weston said he too wants to see the bridge repaired, but he argues the federal and provincial government have to work out a funding agreement.

"It's not about one government putting forward their position over the other, it's about trying to find a resolution to the overall issue finally," Weston said.

Kathy Craig, the chairperson of the Saint John Board of Trade, said she hopes the talks between Weston and the local groups will lead to progress in getting the Harbour Bridge repair work done.

Craig said there were some options raised in the meeting with Weston, but she wouldn't elaborate on what they were.

"There will be some positive steps. As for the outcome, I don't have a crystal ball," Craig said.

However, Craig said more details will be released by the end of this week.

Campaign promise

Weston campaigned in the last federal election to take the 50-cent toll off the aging bridge.

The provincial government insists the tolls are needed to pay down any loan.

Weston said he'd like to see the federal and provincial governments work out a funding agreement for the Harbour Bridge that would also see the tolls removed and the bridge's $22-million debt forgiven.

"I didn't just dream up this position and decide to hold firm on a position that some find to be troubling. It's a well thought-out position and there's a basis for it, a strong basis," Weston said.

"When people come and ask me for certain interests, I want to know they understand what it is they're asking me to lobby for."

The bridge funding fight hit the floor of the provincial legislature on Friday.

The Liberal government has passed a motion that demanded the federal government help repair the Saint John Harbour Bridge. The Liberals also used the motion to put Saint John Tory MLAs in a political bind.

The motion passed on Friday is non-binding and will have no practical effect as the two levels of government continue to squabble over funding the bridge.

But it was immediately used to embarrass the opposition MLAs who voted against it.