Greater Moncton's detox centre closed for repairs
20 detox beds unavailable for 2 weeks while kitchen is repaired after burst pipe
A burst pipe in the kitchen at Moncton's only detox centre on Mapleton Road has left the unit closed for two weeks while the damage is repaired.
The detox unit is run by Horizon health and offers in-patient treatment for mood-altering substances such as alcohol, opiates and cocaine.
Last Saturday a leak was found in the kitchen, staff ordered food from outside the facility until Monday when the water damage was found to be more severe than first thought, according to Jill Leblanc-Farquharson, director for addictions and mental health for Horizon Health.
"During Saturday and Sunday we didn't take any new admissions," she said.

Leblanc-Farquharson said there were 10 people in the unit on Monday morning, some were already scheduled to leave, another was able to enter a long-term treatment program earlier than expected, others were discharged. Leblanc-Farquharson said everyone was cleared by a doctor before leaving.
"For a two-week period it means they would have to self-refer somewhere else."
Other centres will admit clients
There are six other detox units in the province: Miramichi, Fredericton, Edmundston, Saint John, Tracadie and Campbellton. Leblanc-Farquharson said she has been in touch with the other centres and confirmed they will take admissions.
"I do know so far that we've had some clients opt to go to Fredericton and Saint John and have been taken by family members," she said.
"We also said if they needed to take the bus or public transportation that we would cover that cost for them, which we wouldn't normally do, but under these circumstances we've agreed to do that."
Leblanc-Farquharson said that when someone reaches out to the centre for help, there can be a wait of 20 to 30 days to get a bed at the unit, which has an occupancy rate of about 73 per cent.
Methadone clinic open
She said she doesn't think the unexpected closure to affect the waiting list, because people seeking detox services can opt to go elsewhere.
"When you've made that decision and you've determined that you want to get help and get on this journey to recovery they will go."
While maintenance crews repair the kitchen, Leblanc-Farquharson said the building remains operational. A methadone clinic operating out of the other side of the complex remains open and busy.
The detox unit is expected to be fully operational by Monday, Sept. 10.