Idle No More protest shut down by CN in New Brunswick

An Idle No More protest that was blocking commercial trains on Canadian National Rail tracks between Moncton and Miramichi, N.B. on Friday has been shut down.
CN Rail filed a court injunction Friday afternoon.
It stated that the dozen protestors from the Elsipogtog First Nation had to stop blocking the railway along Highway 126 in Adamsville immediately or face arrest.
Protestor John Levi said he's not surprised.
"We kind of expected this. We said before this was going to be a peaceful protest. You know, we didn't harm anybody, we [weren't] going to harm any trains," he said.
The blockade was in support for Attawapiskat First Nation Chief Theresa Spence, who is on her fourth week subsisting only on tea and fish broth.
Spence has been demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Harper to talk about aboriginal treaties including land and water protection.
Harper announced Friday that he would meet with aboriginal leaders, including Spence, on Jan. 11.
Protestor Brian Francis said change is badly needed. "We have just so many social ills within our community that as one elder said, 'enough is enough. We have to do something.'"
The group had planned to continue the blockade until Monday.
The protesters peacefully left the picket lines, but said their fight isn't over.
The said they will talk to their lawyers and hopefully resume protesting.