SNC-Lavalin warned Quebec that superhospital may cost millions more
Engineering giant advised officials it carried out work not included in contract

The McGill University Health Centre superhospital may end up costing more than its current $1.3 billion dollar price tag.
Sources have told Radio-Canada's investigative program Enquête that engineering firm SNC-Lavalin may claim an additional $191.5 million for the project.
Sources also told Enquête that the bulk of that sum — $171 million — is for work that is not considered to be part of the initial contract with the MUHC — such as building a bridge linking the hospital to its parking lot.
The engineering giant may also claim an additional $21.5 million for work stoppages at the site.
Internal note
Radio-Canada obtained an internal note that was sent to the provincial government in December.
It indicated that SNC-Lavalin thought the project was delayed with work stoppages because of slow decision-making by the MUHC.
The note also said that the health ministry should expect a bigger bill.
The sources who spoke to Radio-Canada said the matter is still under discussion.
No one from the MUHC or SNC-Lavalin would comment.