How Montreal celebrated its 375th anniversary
Here are some of the photos from this week's big birthday bash
Montreal marked its 375th anniversary with a full week of events including giant marionettes, lighting up the Jacques Cartier Bridge and multimedia art shows.
While the official birthday was May 17, the celebrations continued well into the weekend.
Here are some of the photos from this week's big birthday bash.
Up in lights
The controversial and costly illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge went live for the first time on the city's official anniversary.

Mayor Denis Coderre also promised to hold a second official bridge lighting after Montreal police held a protest at the same time.

Official ceremony
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addresses a ceremony marking the 375th anniversary of the founding of Montreal.

Church bells also rang out simultaneously across the city

Giant marionettes
Little-Girl Giant and the Deep Sea Diver played out their story with Montreal as their stage this weekend.
The Giants, which are as tall as houses, took over parts of the city during the three-day event.
The pair of giant marionettes also drew thousands of spectators when they roamed together on Sunday.
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