
Major roadwork limits access to Dorval Circle this weekend

Roadwork continues on the Dorval Circle on Montreal's West Island, leading to the closure of some ramps and roadways during the early morning hours throughout the weekend.

Check out our interactive map to stay on top of road closures

Click on the roadsign icons to find out closure times on roads and exits. (CBC/Jason Boychuk)

Construction work continues on the access ramps to the Dorval Circle on Montreal's West Island, leading to the closure of some ramps and roadways during the early morning hours throughout the weekend.

  • From Friday at midnight until Saturday at 7:00 a.m., Exit 56 will be closed on Highway 20 east, as will the Highway 13 exit onto Highway 20 at 32nd Avenue.
  • From Saturday at midnight until Sunday at 8:00 a.m., Highway 20 west between Exit 60 and the Highway 520 exit onto Highway 20 will be closed completely.
  • From Sunday at 11:30 p.m. until Monday at 5:00 a.m., Highway 20 west between Exit 60 and the Highway 520 exit onto Highway 20 will be closed completely.

Click on the icons on the above maps to find out closure times.

Turcot interchange work continues

Check out the maps below.

Work on the Turcot interchange for the weekend of August 16. (CBC/Jason Boychuk)
Here are the planned closures for the summer of 2013 on the Turcot interchange. (CBC/Jason Boychuk)