Laval calls for fast-food ban near schools
Laval city councillor David de Cotis says bylaw would ban fast food within 500 metres of schools
A Laval city councillor wants to ban junk food near schools.
David de Cotis says he wants to eliminate temptation for children and teenagers by imposing a bylaw that would ban any new fast food restaurants in Laval from setting up shop within 500 metres from a school.
"We just want to give the kids a fighting chance to be healthier," said de Cotis.
Although the bylaw is still in the planning stage, and there is no date determining when it could come into effect, it has restaurant owners concerned.
"This is unfair for us, we cannot be your partners one day — we hire young people, we subsidize sports teams, youth organizations — and then you're a basic culprit five years later," said Jean Lefebvre, spokesman for Restaurant Canada which represents more than 5,000 Quebec independent and fast food chain restaurants.
Levebvre said a ban wouldn't be good for the local economy either.
"We need to increase the economy of Montreal. What do you think is going to happen if you ban some organizations from doing business?"
De Cotis said fast food vendors in Laval will still be welcome — just not near schools.