Bernard Trépanier's home raided by UPAC in connection with water-meter scandal
Search being conducted at home of former Union Montreal official

Members of Quebec's anti-corruption unit on Thursday searched the home of Bernard Trépanier, the former chief fundraiser for Union Montréal, ex-mayor Gérald Tremblay's old party.
It was the ninth raid as part of an ongoing investigation into a cancelled water-meter contract.
About 10 UPAC officers were at Trépanier's home in Montreal's north end.
Trépanier has been accused of asking for a three per cent cut from engineering firms for city contracts they won — an allegation which earned him the nickname "Mr. Three Per Cent," according to witnesses who appeared before the Charbonneau commission.
The city awarded the $355-million contract to private consortium GÉNIeau in 2007 but cancelled the deal two years later after reports surfaced of alleged embezzlement and other irregularities.
On Wednesday, UPAC investigators searched Tremblay's Outremont home and cottage in St-Hippolyte.
Last week, UPAC raided the home of the mayor of Lachine, Claude Dauphin, as well as the homes of three former municipal politicians: Francine Sénécal, Sammy Forcillo and Cosmo Maciocia.
Lachine's municipal office was also targeted in those searches.