Reviews from the 2019 Winnipeg Fringe Festival
Not sure what to see? CBC Manitoba will update this page regularly with reviews from the 2019 Winnipeg Fringe

Are you ready to get out there and Fringe? You can check out all of CBC Manitoba's reviews of shows at the 2019 Winnipeg Fringe Festival right here by rating or title.
This page will be updated throughout the festival, so check back every day!
Looking for a specific show? Jump to the alphabetical listings.
To see the full Fringe listings, head to the official Winnipeg Fringe website.
Reviews by rating
★★★★★ Five Stars:
- 2 for Tea (reviewed at the 2013 Toronto Fringe Festival)
- The After After Party
- Bursting Into Flames (reviewed at the 2011 London Fringe Festival)
- Chase Padgett: Heart Attacks and Other Blessings
- A Confederate Widow in Hell
- El Diablo of the Cards
- Hot Dogs at the Eiffel Tower
- Josephine (reviewed at the 2017 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Juliet: A Revenge Comedy
- Lip Service (reviewed at the 2018 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Meatball Séance
- Three
- The Walk In the Snow: The True Story of Lise Meitner
★★★★ Four Stars:
- 13 Dead Dreams of "Eugene"
- Aaron Malkin: Dandelion
- Alabama Monster
- Bad Baby Presents: Rules Control the Fun
- The Cause
- Comedy Records Presents: Jay & Eytan
- Commando: The Radio Play
- Diary of a Monster Kid
- Dion Arnold: How I Killed My Nan
- Eye Candy
- Fire in the Meth Lab (reviewed at the 2015 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- For Science!
- Franz Ferdinand Must Die
- The Ghost Project
- Heart of Stone
- Hits Like a Girl
- I Lost on Jeopardy
- Ink
- Musicals Are Stupid: A Stupid Musical
- No Tweed Too Tight: Another Grant Canyon Mystery (reviewed at the 2014 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- One Man Star Wars Trilogy (reviewed at the 2015 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- The Open House
- Opera Mouse (reviewed at the 2015 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Operatic Panic Attack
- Orbituary
- Pack Animals
- Purge
- Sansei: The Storyteller
- Six Chick Flicks…
- Throwback!
- Underneath the Lintel (reviewed at the 2007 Toronto Fringe Festival)
- Wakey, Wakey
- War of 1812 (reviewed at the 2018 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Yellow Den
★★★ Three Stars:
- 35mm: A Musical Exhibition
- The ADHD Project
- Am I Blue
- (Art)ist
- The Big Problems
- Carey-OK!: Timeless Timely Tunes
- Chase Breyer: Part Time Substitute Teacher, Full Time Canadian Super Spy
- Dana Smith: Lives at Wee Johnny's
- Dear Samantha
- Denial Is a Wonderful Thing
- Didn't Hurt
- A Glimpse of Sunshine
- Goat: A Sketch Comedy Revue
- Graceland
- The Great Pillow War of '96
- The Headliners
- Ingenue: Deanna Durbin, Judy Garland and the Golden Age of Hollywood
- Is That How Clowns Have Sex? A One-Woman Queer Clown Sex Ed Show
- Larry
- The Light Bringer
- A Man Walks Into a Bar
- Mix Tapes From My Mom
- Monica vs. The Internet: Tales of a Social Justice Warrior
- Passing
- Quirky
- The Robber Bridegroom
- Rook
- Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four
- Strokes of Genius
- Things We (never) Learned in Sex Ed
- To Bee or Not To Bee
- Trendsettlers: Episode IV
- Wait, So Do I Make Out with a Pan?
- Yeats's Ghost
★★ Two Stars:
- Anna and the Substitute Teacher
- Cob Bob
- Farrago
- A Global Village Idiot
- Magic: The Musical
- Magnificence
- My Frozen Heart: A Comic Tragedy
- My Mistake
- So, Do You Want to Talk About It?
- Spotlight: The Show with No Actors
- Stephen Hopwood Is Not Dead
- Tymisha Harris: La Baker
★ One Star:
- Cursed
- Erik de Waal's Trolls, Bullies & Rock Stars or A Kerfuffle in a Doodlesack
- Here Together
- The King in Yellow, a Musical Parody
- The Mercury 13
What the star ratings mean:
Five Stars: Recommended without reservation. Definitely a must see!
Four Stars: A superior show. Most people will enjoy it.
Three Stars: An average-to-good Fringe show. You'll probably enjoy it if the subject matter appeals to you.
Two Stars: Not recommended. Go only if you feel adventurous.
One Star: Don't go. Unless you have a family member in the show. Even then, think twice.
Reviews by title
- 13 Dead Dreams of "Eugene"
- 2 for Tea (reviewed at the 2013 Toronto Fringe Festival)
- 35mm: A Musical Exhibition
- Aaron Malkin: Dandelion
- The ADHD Project
- The After After Party
- Alabama Monster
- Am I Blue
- Anna and the Substitute Teacher
- (Art)ist
- Bad Baby Presents: Rules Control the Fun
- The Big Problems
- Bursting Into Flames (reviewed at the 2011 London Fringe Festival)
- Carey-OK!: Timeless Timely Tunes
- The Cause
- Chase Breyer: Part Time Substitute Teacher, Full Time Canadian Super Spy
- Chase Padgett: Heart Attacks and Other Blessings
- Cob Bob
- Comedy Records Presents: Jay & Eytan
- Commando: The Radio Play
- A Confederate Widow in Hell
- Cursed
- Dana Smith: Lives at Wee Johnny's
- Dear Samantha
- Denial Is a Wonderful Thing
- Diary of a Monster Kid
- Didn't Hurt
- Dion Arnold: How I Killed My Nan
- El Diablo of the Cards
- Erik de Waal's Trolls, Bullies & Rock Stars or A Kerfuffle in a Doodlesack
- Eye Candy
- Farrago
- Fire in the Meth Lab (reviewed at the 2015 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- For Science!
- Franz Ferdinand Must Die
- The Ghost Project
- A Glimpse of Sunshine
- A Global Village Idiot
- Goat: A Sketch Comedy Revue
- Graceland
- The Great Pillow War of '96
- The Headliners
- Heart of Stone
- Here Together
- Hits Like a Girl
- Hot Dogs at the Eiffel Tower
- I Lost on Jeopardy
- Ingenue: Deanna Durbin, Judy Garland and the Golden Age of Hollywood
- Ink
- Is That How Clowns Have Sex? A One-Woman Queer Clown Sex Ed Show
- Josephine (reviewed at the 2017 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Juliet: A Revenge Comedy
- The King in Yellow, a Musical Parody
- Larry
- The Light Bringer
- Lip Service (reviewed at the 2018 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Magic: The Musical
- Magnificence
- A Man Walks Into a Bar
- Meatball Séance
- The Mercury 13
- Mix Tapes From My Mom
- Monica vs. The Internet: Tales of a Social Justice Warrior
- Musicals Are Stupid: A Stupid Musical
- My Mistake
- My Frozen Heart: A Comic Tragedy
- No Tweed Too Tight: Another Grant Canyon Mystery (reviewed at the 2014 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- One Man Star Wars Trilogy (reviewed at the 2015 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- The Open House
- Opera Mouse (reviewed at the 2015 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Operatic Panic Attack
- Orbituary
- Pack Animals
- Passing
- Purge
- Quirky
- The Robber Bridegroom
- Rook
- Sansei: The Storyteller
- Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four
- So, Do You Want to Talk About It?
- Spotlight: The Show with No Actors
- Stephen Hopwood Is Not Dead
- Strokes of Genius
- Things We (never) Learned in Sex Ed
- Three
- Throwback!
- To Bee or Not To Bee
- Trendsettlers: Episode IV
- Tymisha Harris: La Baker
- Underneath the Lintel (reviewed at the 2007 Toronto Fringe Festival)
- Wakey, Wakey
- The Walk In the Snow: The True Story of Lise Meitner
- Wait, So Do I Make Out with a Pan?
- War of 1812 (reviewed at the 2018 Winnipeg Fringe Festival)
- Yeats's Ghost
- Yellow Den
Wondering what to see? See the reviews sorted by rating.
With files from Marlo Campbell, Andrew Friesen, Kaj Hasselriis, Michelle Palansky, Lara Rae, Joff Schmidt and Kelly Stifora.