Spy camera search conducted at Winnipeg pools
People have nothing to fear after a spy camera was discovered in a civic pool change room, insists the chair of Winnipeg's protection committee.
"The city swept all the change rooms of all the swimming pools for both the staff and for citizens. So people can be assured there are no cameras hidden anywhere," said Coun. Paula Havixbeck.
She said she felt sick after learning about the incident on the weekend at Seven Oaks Pool. A female swimming instructor found the pen camera on Sunday. It was sticking out of a feminine product disposal box in the women's staff change room.
The woman plugged the USB-connected device into a computer and found video of her naked in the change room.
"I think it's disturbing, whether it was in the staff changeroom or whether it was in the general public changeroom. I feel terrible for this young woman, wondering how many days it could have been there," Havixbeck said.
She spent the weekend keeping in touch with police, who were conducting the sweep. No hidden cameras were found in any facility.
"I want to make sure we are on top of this. I believe we are," Havixbeck said, adding that she would like to see a similar sweep done every so often.
"I think periodic spot checks will eliminate anybody thinking about placing a camera anywhere."
The city's human resources department and city police are investigating the incident at Seven Oaks.