Sagkeeng coach charged with assault after February on-ice brawl
Charges against two players are still pending
Winnipeg police have laid charges against a peewee coach involved in a hockey fight at a Winnipeg community centre in February.
The fight broke out during a game at the Southeast Aboriginal Tournament at the Southdale Community Centre Feb. 16.
A team from Brokenhead Ojibway Nation was playing against a team from Sagkeeng First Nation when referees had to step in to stop a scuffle between two players, one of whom was 12.
A video shows that a referee was trying to break up the skirmish when he fell on top of a Sagkeeng player and the 12-year-old broke his wrist.
One player then swung his stick at the referee's head and an adult jumped off the bench and onto the referee.
Police said Friday they have laid charges against one of the coaches.
The 35-year-old male from Sagkeeng, Man., was arrested Thursday and charged with assault.
Const. Eric Hofley said charges against the two players are still pending. He said when they are arrested, the charges will be announced.
The coach has been released and is to appear in court at a later date.
with files from The Canadian Press