Former MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette to become Canadian military's 1st Indigenous Knowledge Keeper
'I see myself supporting all soldiers,' says Robert-Falcon Ouellette

A former Cree member of Parliament and a longtime military member has been named the Canadian Armed Forces' first Indigenous Knowledge Keeper.
Warrant Officer Robert-Falcon Ouellette is set to be promoted to captain in a ceremony hosted by the military in Winnipeg on Thursday evening.
"It's about the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples fully within the institutions of our nation," Ouellette said in an interview ahead of the ceremony.
"We've moved in such a way with reconciliation that we have this opportunity to really demonstrate what the Canadian Forces can be."
Ouellette said he is a fourth-generation military member with nearly three decades of service. He started with the Navy League and Sea Cadet program and is currently with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles unit.
From 2015 to 2019, Ouellette represented the riding of Winnipeg Centre as a Liberal MP. He ran to become mayor of Winnipeg in both 2014 and 2022.
He is currently an associate professor of education at the University of Ottawa.

The military said the new position is part of its effort to embrace Indigenous spirituality. The Forces offer spiritual and religious care to members and their families through the Royal Canadian Chaplain Services.
There have been Indigenous chaplains in the past, including Lt.-Col. Catherine Askew, but this is the first time someone has been designated to provide spiritual teachings from an Indigenous point of view instead of a Christian one. Before this, chaplains would have to rely on a network of Indigenous representatives for spiritual and emotional support.
For many years, Indigenous Peoples were banned from practising their spirituality.
Ouellette can remember a time when he faced harassment for being Cree.
"There were times when I had terrible discussions with commanding officers and others within my unit. I have long hair and sometimes that would upset people who are older military members," he recalled.
"Today it's much different. People are much more accepting."
Indigenous soldiers have built their own network within the military, meeting for drum groups and traditional ceremonies, said Ouellette.
Indigenous people made up 2.9 per cent of the Canadian Armed Forces as of November 2022. Approximately 23 per cent of Canadian Rangers self-identify as First Nations, Inuit or Métis.
Ouellette said his role not only supports Indigenous people, but educates non-Indigenous members as well.
"I see myself supporting all soldiers — there's something much larger than this."
With files from CBC