Winnipeg musician wants city to drum up clear rules on busking
Buskers are treated like panhandlers by some Winnipeggers, says Lee Raito

Winnipeg's lack of guidelines around busking means too many talented people are hidden away from the public, says a local musician.
Lee Raito says sometimes buskers are treated like panhandlers by Winnipeggers and because of that, many musicians, mimes, and other street entertainers just don't bother to perform in public. This robs the city of culture and entertainment, said Raito.
The problem is that no one is clear on where and when busking is allowed, which makes it seem taboo, he added.
He has written an open letter to Mayor Brian Bowman, urging him to create guidelines that clearly define the rules around public street performances so more people would be inclined to do it.
"We all want a vibrant city and are constantly looking to improve downtown. Musicians and performing artists, like in thousands of cities worldwide, can add a positive, fun, cultured atmosphere," Raito wrote in his letter.
There are many talented people around but the only places they can go to play are The Forks or in locations approved by the Downtown Biz. And in both cases, performers must apply and be approved well in advance.
There's nowhere to go to just pick up and play, Raito said.
"I'd just like to see more of a good thing in public spaces in Winnipeg," he said. "I think it's just high time that we get into the 21st century and be artist friendly and I'm going to try to be part of making that happen."
To that end, Raito will pitch his idea to a city committee on Monday.
He wants to direct their attention to Edmonton, which he calls "absolutely the best." That city has guidelines posted on its website for performing in public spaces.
Kenora has also done it right, Raito said, noting as examples a limit on amplification (noise can't be heard more than 75 meters away) and obstruction (buskers and the crowds they draw cannot block sidewalks).
"I would propose Winnipeg city council copy either of their progressive approaches to providing direction to street performers in their city," Raito stated in his letter to the mayor.
- An earlier version of this story incorrectly said Lee Raito believed police contribute to a negative perception of busking.May 09, 2016 7:34 PM EDT