Teen accused claims he was injured in fatal school stabbing
Prosecutors allege injury was self-inflicted after accused stabbed 17-year-old Brett Bourne

A teen accused of fatally stabbing 17-year-old Brett Bourne at Kelvin High School in June 2015 told police he was slashed in the arm during a fight between Bourne and another teen, a jury heard Thursday.
Bourne, 17, died from a single stab wound to the chest.
The now 19-year-old accused has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder.
Const. Ian Lobban told court other officers were already performing CPR on Bourne outside the school when he and his partner arrived at the school at 12:40 p.m.
Lobban said he had been interviewing witnesses when the accused, in the company of his mother, approached police 45 minutes later.
"Upon initial discussion, he disclosed that he had been injured during the altercation at the school," Lobban said."He showed the injury, it did not require any medical attention."
The accused said he was injured "during the fight between Bourne and [another teen]," Lobban said.
The accused pointed out the other teen approaching the scene, at which point Lobban and his partner arrested him for aggravated assault, Lobban said.
"I searched his backpack, didn't locate any clothes items with blood or any weapons," Lobban said.
Court has heard the teen was later released without charge.
Prosecutors allege the accused slashed himself in the arm to divert attention to the victim.
Defence lawyer Greg Brodsky shifted the focus to Bourne, who prosecutors concede instigated the fight that ended in his death.
"Is it fair to say you spoke to [another teen witness] and he said Brett Bourne was acting in a threatening manner, had covered his face, and was walking like a gangster toward [the teen he was fighting with]?" Brodsky asked Lobban.
"He did make a comment describing him as covering his face and walking toward [the teen]," Lobban said.
The stabbing was sparked by a dispute between the victim and another teen involved with the victim's ex-girlfriend, Crown attorney Krista Berkis alleged in an opening address to jurors Monday.
Berkis said Bourne was cycling past the school during the lunch hour when he saw his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend on school property and tried to goad him into a fight.
As other students gathered, the accused retrieved a knife from a friend's car before Bourne chased the new boyfriend into the school, Berkis alleged.
"At some point, while inside the school, the accused stabbed Bourne one time in the side of the chest," Berkis said.
The trial continues.