Arianna Huffington calls Trump's remarks 'deeply unfortunate' during U of Manitoba visit
Huffington Post founder, in Winnipeg to receive entrepreneurship award, speaks to U of M business students

In her first visit to Winnipeg, businesswoman and Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington spoke to a group of students at University of Manitoba's Asper School of Business Tuesday morning about leading successful lives without burning out — and also weighed in on recent remarks by U.S. President Donald Trump about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Huffington, who is now CEO of Thrive Global — a media company she founded focused on health and wellness information — had high praise for the university and its students.
"[I] love it. My first visit [to Winnipeg] and I am delighted to be at the Asper School and meeting students and faculty," said Huffington, who is in Winnipeg to receive the business school's 2018 International Distinguished Entrepreneur Award.
The students she spoke with, she said, were "so smart and interested in the things that we discussed … about how we can lead successful and productive lives without burning out, which is the mission of Thrive Global," she said.
"My main message is not to buy into the delusion of our culture that in order to succeed you have to be always on, that you have to burn out … and to look at the data that shows that when we prioritize on our well-being, when we take time to recharge, to unplug from our phones, to disconnect, we are more effective and more productive, and we see athletes demonstrating that."
Tracy Luo, a U of M student majoring in finance, said she bought into Huffington's message.
"My main takeaway was how she talked about having a ritual at night … to kind of end the day off and start brand new," she said.
"Because I know business is very go, go, go, always trying to win … but she was kind of the opposite. Very relaxed."
Fellow student Ronke Akinloye, who is studying accounting and entrepreneurship, said she was excited to meet Huffington.
"It was very amazing. Since the first time I heard she was coming, I was looking forward to the event," she said. "I had posted it on my social media, Instagram."
Reaction to trade war
Huffington, who has often criticized her country's president, was asked Tuesday about her reaction to Trump's latest comments about trade with Canada, and remarks about Trudeau, who he has called "dishonest" and "weak."
Huffington said she is disappointed by Trump's remarks.
"It is both unexpected and deeply unfortunate. We saw the reaction at the G7 from all of our allies [to] this behaviour, which is very much against history and against what we have been used to from American presidents from both political parties."
Huffington will be formally recognized with the distinguished entrepreneur award at a gala at RBC Convention Centre Tuesday night.