Quick facts about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout
The initial rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario will be to Toronto and Ottawa, beginning as early as Dec. 15.
The initial rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario will be to Toronto and Ottawa, beginning as early as Dec. 15.
Here are some related stories and quick facts you should know.
COVID-19 vaccine a reason to celebrate – just not with other people, says Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph regional medical officer of health, Dr. Nicola Mercer.
The Region of Waterloo has formed a task force that will co-ordinate distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine locally. First doses of the vaccine could arrive in the region before the end of the year.
But you'll still need to be careful if you get a COVID-19 vaccine, explains health and medical commentator Dr. Peter Lin.
Ontario to begin vaccinations in Toronto, Ottawa the week of Dec 14.