1 person killed by West Nile among 6 cases reported by Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit
Six cases of the virus have been identified in the region

Six human cases of West Nile virus have been identified in Haldimand-Norfolk, say health officials, including one that proved fatal.
Staff with the Haldimand-Norfold Health Unit (HNHU) say recent testing by the region's West Nile surveillance program revealed five mosquito pools that have tested positive for the virus — two in Cayuga and one each in Simcoe, Dunnville and Caledonia.
"The positive human cases and positive mosquito pools is a clear indication that threat of West Nile virus is present within our region and the public must take measures to protect themselves," warned Kwesi Douglas, program manager of environmental health for the HNHU in a media release.
West Nile typically peaks in late summer with some cases reported in the fall months. Officials expect the virus will pose a threat until the mercury drops below freezing.
The health unit recommends the public follows these steps to protect themselves:
- Use mosquito repellant containing DEET.
- Avoiding being outdoors at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
- Wear light-coloured clothing with long sleeves and pants.
- Drain all standing water on your property, including water in eaves troughs or shallow containers such as bird baths, spare tires and flower pots.
Most people infected with West Nile won't show any symptoms, while others may suffer from fever, headache and body aches. Anyone with a weakened immune system is at a higher risk of more serious health effects.
For more information on West Nile virus, visit the HNHU website.