
Prankster plants pot outside Hamilton courthouse

Someone planted pot in the garden outside Hamilton's Unified Family Courthouse.

It's like begging to get caught: someone planted pot in the garden outside Hamilton's Unified Family Courthouse.

A woman was walking past the courthouse on Main Street West on Thursday when she saw what looked like marijuana plants growing in the front garden.

She told court staff and called police, and when officers arrived they found seven "immature" marijuana plants, police say.

"It sounds like a prank or a joke," said Debbie McGreal-Dinning, media relations officer for Hamilton police. "Good eyes on the observer, though."

Officers removed the plants. It's unknown who is responsible for the planting, police say.


Adam Carter


Adam Carter is a Newfoundlander who now calls Toronto home. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamCarterCBC or drop him an email at adam.carter@cbc.ca.