Conservation authority issues safety reminder after fatal fall from Dundas Peak
A 24-year-old man fell to his death Friday

Authorities are warning visitors to Hamilton conservation areas to stay at least a body-length back from the edge of gorges or escarpment cliffs after a man slipped off the edge of Dundas Peak last week and fell to his death.
The 24-year-old man was sitting with a friend at the popular spot around 11 p.m. Friday when police say he lost his footing and fell.
"In light of this recent tragic incident at Dundas Peak, the Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) would like to remind all visitors of some safety rules and information for exploring conservation areas, especially those with escarpment features," stated officials in a safety reminder issued Tuesday.
The popular peak is twice as high as the American side of Niagara Falls and has become a go-to spot for snapping shareable photos and selfies.

In its warning, the conservation authority also pointed to three hikers who went off trail, slid down the escarpment had to be rescued from a ledge near Tews Falls back in February.
All visitors are cautioned to stay on the trails and no bypass fencing to protect their own safety and environmentally sensitive areas.
"If a user falls in an escarpment area, the only way to assist them out of the area is through a rope rescue by the Hamilton Fire Department, who are trained to carry out these rescues safely," the HCA stated, adding Spencer Gorge offers safe platforms for viewing Webster Falls, Tew Falls and Dundas Peak.
The conservation authority is also reminding visitors all conservation areas close at sundown.