For about $1.4B — should Hamilton host the Commonwealth Games?
Join our Facebook Live at 1:15 p.m. on Thursday
Hosting the Commonwealth Games could cost about $1.425 billion. The vice-chair of the Hamilton 100 committee says it's worth every penny.
On Thursday at 1:15 p.m., vice-chair Jasper Kujavsky and Hamilton 100 committee bid manager Greg Maychak will explain, during our Facebook Live, why they think it makes sense to spend so much money on a single amateur sporting event.
The $1.425 billion estimate was provided by PJ Mercanti, another member of the Hamilton 100 committee, before the city's general issues committee on Wednesday morning. That is not far off the $1.3 billion estimate, according to the BBC, it will take to pay for the 2022 games in Birmingham, England.
Hamilton is looking in to a bid for the 2030 games, in part, to bring the sporting event back to the city where it began a century earlier.
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