Deafening crowds cheer on Bulldogs at school day game

Lets hope that anyone who stepped inside FirstOntario Centre today wore earplugs.
Here's the vibe inside the <a href="">@BulldogsOHL</a> school day game after a goal. <a href="">#HamOnt</a> <a href="">#ohl</a> <a href=""></a>
Thousands of students from the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board descended upon the arena Wednesday for their annual school day game, as the Bulldogs Squared off against the Owen Sound Attack.

It was a game the OHL's Bulldogs lost 5-2, but you wouldn't know it from the enthusiasm belted out from the kids in the stands.

A reading from a decibel meter inside the rink showed noise levels of 96.3 decibels — which, according to Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers (or HEAR, for short) is equal to the sound a subway train makes from about 60 metres away.

That's loud enough to actually cause hearing loss over a sustained duration.

School board spokesperson Marnie Jadon says there were 4,264 students from 29 Hamilton schools at the game today.
No doubt they were stoked to get the field trip.