
Creating Cree history in the court

With little fan fare, the Saskatchewan justice system enters a historic new era this week -- by holding court in Cree.

When Gerald Morin became a judge, his job description included the development of a Cree court circuit. Morin argues that people in remote regions have always viewed the law with suspicion. But the judge wants to change that.

As Morin travels the North, he will ask people to embrace the legal process.

"This is important," emphasizes Morin. This is our language, we must use it, and be a part of this process in that sense." The court will function with Morin, Cree-speaking prosecutor Don Bird, and a team of interpreters.

Morin is confident the experiment will succeed. He says Saskatchewan Justice should expand the effort to include other First Nations' languages.

"I've seen people cross-examined in English where they tried to answer things and not fully understanding what they're answering," said Morin.

Morin and his team will begin offering Cree court this week in Big River and Montreal Lake.