Here's what's closing in Calgary this weekend due to pending health orders
New provincial COVID-19 restrictions take effect at midnight Sunday
New restrictions announced by the province earlier this week will come into effect this weekend, immediately impacting hours and services offered in Calgary.
In a release issued on Friday, the city said it had not yet received written orders from the province but was making decisions now in order to ensure compliance.
"We need all Calgarians to be a part of a partnership to keep our neighbours safe and alleviate the strain on our public health-care system," said Sue Henry, chief of the Calgary Emergency Management Agency.
"Don't look for loopholes in the provincial rules. Instead, look for ways you can stay home and ways you can limit your contacts. Our golden rule right now is 'When in doubt, don't go out.'"
When asked for information on pending layoffs at the city, a spokesperson said that information would not be available until next week.
Restaurants, pubs, bars and retail
Restaurants, pubs and bars will be closed as of Sunday to in-person service. Takeout, delivery and curbside pickup are allowed. The restrictions will be in place until at least Jan. 12.
Retail services and malls must reduce customer capacity to 15 per cent of fire code occupancy.
Hair salons, nail salons, casinos, bowling alleys, gyms, movie theatres, libraries and museums will be closed as of Sunday.
Casinos, bingo halls, gaming entertainment centres, racing entertainment centres, horse tracks, raceways, bowling alleys, pool halls, legions and private clubs must also close.
Recreation closures
The City of Calgary will close all city-operated recreation facilities on Sunday for at least four weeks, including aquatic and fitness centres, arenas, the soccer centre and arts centres.
The city said it would automatically provide credits and extensions to passholders for days closed. Refunds will also be provided to registrants of cancelled programs.
Group physical activities, including team sports, fitness classes and training sessions, will also be restricted on Sunday.
All other recreational facilities such as fitness centres, recreation centres, pools, spas, gyms, studios, camps, indoor rinks and arenas must also close on Sunday.
Outdoor activities
Outdoor rinks in Calgary may be open for public skating and training as long as health orders are followed, but people from different households must maintain physical distancing, the city said.
At Calgary's Olympic Plaza, skaters must maintain two metres from anyone not within their cohort. A limit of 100 skaters will be allowed on the ice at any given time.

The city is also recommending skaters wear face coverings and skate in off-peak times.
Other outdoor city services, including skateparks and disc golf courses, will also remain open with restrictions in place. More information on each individual service is available on the city's website.
Calgary's fire pits can be used by those living in the same household. Existing permits are still valid, but the city is not processing any new bookings at this time.
Calgary's downtown Plus 15 network will close to all public access starting on Sunday.
Other closures and changes
Calgary's fair entry counter at Village Square Leisure Centre will also close on Sunday, meaning those who need to purchase low-income transit passes must do so at alternate locations:
- City Hall Cashiers – 800 Macleod Trail S.E.
- Transit customer service kiosks at Centre Street CTrain platform – 125 7th Avenue S.E.
- Transit customer service kiosks at Bow Parkade – 234 7th Avenue S.W.
Hotels can remain open, but must follow all relevant restrictions.
Shelters for vulnerable persons, emergency services and soup kitchens can remain open for in-person attendance.
Calgary's Youth Employment Centre will close to in-person appointments starting Monday, but residents can make bookings online or via telephone.
For a full list of the pending changes to city services and facilities, click here.