Thanksgiving snowfall seen all over Calgary neighbourhoods and surrounding areas
In Cochrane, there's enough snow to build a snowman!

It's the first time snow has fallen in Calgary this fall, and in some spots there's so much on the ground kids are building snowmen.
Unlike other years, it's been a long, warm autumn for southern Alberta but the forecast predicts that is starting to change.
Environment and Climate Change Canada said on its website that while rain showers or flurries will end this afternoon, on Wednesday there will be more periods of snow.
CBC Calgary asked Calgarians on Facebook to send us their snow shots, and the weather across southern Alberta sure did vary.
In the northwest of Calgary, snow can be seen scattered across lawns and homes.

In Calgary's south quadrants, some homes weren't too affected by the snow.

However for those that live up in Cochrane, 31 kilometres northwest of Calgary, the snow was pretty solid.

So solid in fact that children were able to build a snowman out of it!

It's not just the north part of Calgary that is experiencing this. Down in Millarville, which is 35 km southwest of Calgary, snow can be seen in backyards.