Bus drivers needed to get Calgary kids to school next month
CBE registration for yellow bus service up by 11,000 students this year

Southland Transportation says it's still looking to hire people to fill the hundreds of driver positions needed to get Calgary Board of Education and Calgary Catholic School District students to and from school next month.
The company wouldn't say how many drivers it had already hired, or exactly how many it needs — only that there are still many jobs to fill and it's actively training and hiring new drivers every day.
"We're going to start in a better position than last year. But there is still lingering effects undoubtedly within the entire industry that were really exposed last year coming out of COVID causing what was at the time a complete industry-wide shortage of school bus drivers," said Craig Loose, regional director for Southland Transportation.
400 Calgary routes
Loose said Southland has more than 400 routes with the CBE and CCSD this upcoming school year, and the company likes to have at least 10 per cent more drivers.
"I'm more confident right now that we'll be able to hit the ground running, and if something happens and we don't, that's when we do work closely with our school board customers. They're in the loop," he said.

When possible, Loose says, alternate route arrangements and changes to bus schedules are made.
"Priority is still every kid gets to school every day," he said.
And he encourages people looking for a flexible work environment and the desire to earn an incremental income to apply to drive.
"It's great to line up with anybody who has other midday employment, great for any kind of retirees and parents who can bring their kids on the bus so they don't have to pay for child care," he said.
Registration up at CBE
The CBE says it received 17,000 applications for school bus service by its June registration deadline. That's up 11,000 compared with the same time last year.
The school board says it continues to accept registrations after the deadline, and students will be added to the closest existing stop with space — but processing times could be up to six weeks at the beginning of the school year.
"Families are responsible for transporting students while they wait to be added to a bus stop and route," the CBE said in an email.
The CBE said that for the first time it will allow families to add a second address to their registration and have access to two bus stops and routes.
This is designed to meet demand from families who would like more flexibility to access bus stops and routes to allow for child-care arrangements and changing family schedules.
Information was sent last week about stop and route details to families who registered by the deadline.
Registration and eligibility information for the CBE can be found here.
Registration low at CCSD
The CCSD says about 2,400 students have registered for yellow bus service so far — 25 per cent lower than anticipated. But it expects registration will increase in the fall.
More information for CCSD can be found here.