Robin Wortman released on 22 bail conditions, can't visit youth homeless shelter
Wortman, 62, removed from Calgary Homeless Foundation board of directors Monday

A former board member of the Calgary Homeless Foundation accused of sexually assaulting an underage teen has been released on bail under 22 conditions, including that he not go to a local homeless youth shelter that is just a block away from his home.
Robin Wortman, 62, is accused of using the date-rape drug GHB to sexually assault a teenage boy. He also faces a charge of assault with a weapon for allegedly chasing after a 19-year-old with a knife.
Provincial Court Judge Joanne Durant agreed to release Wortman based on nearly two dozen conditions agreed to by Crown prosecutor Richelle Freiheit and defence lawyer Andre Ouellette.
Wortman's bail conditions include:
- Not going to a youth homeless shelter called Avenue 15.
- Not going to areas where children gather (pools, parks, schools).
- No children allowed in his home.
- No using computers or cell phones except for work purposes.
- Must surrender passport.
- Must obey a curfew from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.
- No drugs, alcohol or weapons.
- Must report to a probation officer.
- Must maintain a landline.
- Must remain in Alberta except for work or family-related travel.
Wortman, who is Metis himself, has held a number of Aboriginal relations positions, including as a former adviser to the former chief of the Assembly of First Nations Phil Fontaine. He currently works as a consultant on energy projects for First Nations communities.
Investigators allege Wortman chose the victim because he was vulnerable.
The teen told police he was sexually assaulted while incapacitated after taking what he believed to be crystal meth.
After the charges were announced by police on Monday, the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) held an emergency meeting and voted to remove Wortman from the board pending the outcome of his trial.
Wortman was also charged with two counts of communication to procure sexual services from victims under 18.
A publication ban protects the evidence detailed at the bail hearing. A ban was also issued on the identities of both complainants.
Calgary police have said the investigation into Wortman is ongoing.
Wortman will make his next court appearance on April 3.