Man killed by RCMP outside Red Deer hospital had compound bow and arrows, Alberta's police watchdog says
Video evidence shows man was in possession of compound bow when he left vehicle to talk with police

STORY UPDATE: In its report released on Nov. 17, 2023, ASIRT concluded that the force used by RCMP officers was necessary and reasonable in all the circumstances. Read the full report here.
A man fatally shot by RCMP officers outside of a Red Deer hospital on Monday night got out of his vehicle with a compound bow, Alberta's police watchdog said Thursday in an update on its investigation.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) investigates incidents involving police in the province that have resulted in serious injury or death, as well as serious or sensitive allegations of police misconduct.
RCMP officers were responding to multiple complaints of a grey Volkswagen Jetta being driven erratically Monday when the vehicle was spotted entering the parkade of the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre at about 9 p.m., ASIRT said in a release.
The driver of the Jetta, a 46-year-old man, and a responding RCMP officer both exited their vehicles and began speaking, ASIRT said.
The officer called for backup that arrived a short time later.
A confrontation then occurred that resulted in several officers discharging their firearms and fatally injuring the man, who was later pronounced dead at the scene by Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
"Video evidence obtained by ASIRT shows the man was in physical possession of a compound bow following his exit from the vehicle and at the time of the confrontation," ASIRT said.
"Following the incident, a compound bow and several arrows were recovered from the scene and have been seized as exhibits by ASIRT investigators."
No RCMP officers were injured in the incident.
Any members of the public who witnessed the events inside the parking garage or might have video of the incident are asked to contact ASIRT investigators at 403-592-4306.
The RCMP said earlier this week that it is also conducting its own internal review process.